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Power Llama Roast

Roast Profile




Extra Dark

light roast Offers a smoother, more easy-drinking experience

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Power Llama Roast

Regular price $14.99 / 12 OZ. BAG

The Power Llama may not be the future in warfare, but BRCC's latest Power Llama Roast will satisfy your coffee cravings on the Homefront. 

While the coffee inside isn't the same micro-lot roast found in the Exclusive Coffee Subscription, we were able to find a similar coffee from the same region with high-enough yields to make this icon available for everyone to enjoy!

Power Llama is made from Peru Arabica beans that have undergone a washed process; this light-bodied roast features a nutty aroma and tasting notes of almond, citrus, and chocolate. 

Roast Profile




Extra Dark

light roast Offers a smoother, more easy-drinking experience
